
First Year Student Orientation

Welcome to the Crimson Experience

Orientation 不仅仅是ladbrokes立博中文版的一个活动——它是一个引人入胜的过程,从新生入学的那一刻开始,一直持续到第一学期结束! At BSU this is called the “Crimson Experience.“如果你对深红体验有任何疑问,请联系迎新部,电话508.531.1840 or orientation@timeisnotreal.net.

large light up capital letters that say GO BEARS in rainbow colors

Bear Launch

The Bear Launch welcome call is a required 大一新生开启深红体验的第一步. Students will receive an email from orientation@timeisnotreal.net with an assigned date and time for a one-on-one phone call.

To stay on track, be sure to access your personalized New Student Dashboard.  这是您完成时间敏感项目的分步指南,因此我们可以共同朝着您的2024年秋季学期取得进展.


BSU Checkpoint

BSU检查点是一个程序,旨在帮助您完成时间敏感的项目,如分班测试, scheduling a one-on-one advising appointment, and much more! 这个项目是为你个人而设计的,并提供校园资源来帮助你.  

To stay on track, be sure to access your personalized New Student Dashboard.  这是您完成时间敏感项目的分步指南,因此我们可以共同朝着您的2024年秋季学期取得进展.


在Crimson Days活动上,两名BSU一年级学生坐在一起. One, wearing a blue baseball cap, 他的额头顶着一个红白相间的充气球,而第二个戴着黑色棒球帽的学生倒着拿着3个充气球,看着第一个学生笑吗

Crimson Orientation

你的深红体验将在8月底/ 9月初继续. 深红日提供了各种互动和个性化的会议和接触点,旨在为BSU的新学生建立联系, learn about BSU, and engage with the BSU community, like our annual "Crimson Celebration”.

Stay tuned for more information!

Orientation Leader helping new student on computer

The First Semester Roadmap

参加第一学期路线图计划是您深红体验的最后一步. 第一学期路线图是一个多方面的计划,贯穿你的第一学期,有三个主要组成部分:两周一次的定制通讯,其中包含重要资源和提醒, a peer mentoring opportunity, 还有一份EngageBSU清单,上面有各种推荐和要求的行动项目,旨在帮助你从第一学期中获得最大的收获.

a female student with long brown hair wearing glasses, a brown winter hat, 戴着耳机,穿着绿色连帽衫,坐在桌子旁,在纸上写字,笔记本电脑放在她面前

学生必须提交他们的英语论文来选择课程,并与学术成就中心的顾问会面. 对于2024年秋季,提交论文的表格将在2月底开放. 在6月7日之前完成所有分班测试将确保您能够在尽可能早的时间注册.

A student listens intently in class while taking notes

学生必须完成Bridgewater初级代数准备(BEAR)考试,才能选择课程,并与学术成就中心的顾问会面. 在6月7日之前完成所有分班测试将确保您能够在尽可能早的时间注册.


Advising and Registration

数学分班考试完成后,英语分班论文完成并得分, students will receive their Advising Welcome email. 欢迎邮件将于5月下旬开始发送到学生的BSU电子邮件帐户,其中包含有关课程注册过程的重要信息, 包括一个指导视频的链接,指导学生和家庭一步一步地完成这个过程. 学生将被要求审查由学术顾问创建的个性化课程建议,并将使用它们来完成学业 create their first semester Registration Plan.  Advising Welcome emails will come from NewStudentAdvising@timeisnotreal.net.  
After students create their Registration Plan, they will schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.  Students should schedule these appointments as soon as possible.  During their academic advising appointment, students will register for their classes, begin building an advising relationship, 并有任何其他问题的回答,感觉准备好开始在BSU!

ooking into a window with a sign that spells out "Welcome" in English and sign language above a neon sign that says BE SEEN

Accommodations and Accessibility

如果你有残疾,需要申请住宿或校园流动性/ladbrokes立博中文版计划, please contact Student Accessibility Services at 508.531.2194 or SAS@timeisnotreal.net.

Welcome Back BBQ with students in foreground playing cornhole

Opening Day & Kick-Off

Are you ready to kick-off your journey at BSU? While there are so many opportunities to get involved on campus, 我们希望你在上课前利用这个机会,探索哪些选择可能适合你. During our Kick-Off and Opening Day, 在进入课堂之前,你将有机会与教职员工见面, 看看你可能想参加哪些学生组织和活动, 甚至参加大学公园的欢迎烧烤,欢迎整个BSU社区.  

然后,开学的前几周,我们将继续开展各种其他吸引人的节目和活动, 这些都是为了帮助你品尝所有的机会,这样你就可以在任何时候以最适合你的方式加入进来! 在此期间,我们希望你能参加一些校园活动,包括 Bingo hosted by Program Council or even attend a Student Government Association Meeting, where students help to advocate for YOUR student experience. 在这里了解更多关于参与校园活动和其他BSU传统的信息.    




Helpful Videos

View helpful how-to videos for new bears!